Ask Your Child About...
- Community Building
- Welcome, Ms. Anna!
- GAINS Lessons- Ms. Velez
- Sustained Attention
- Morning Meeting
- Can you change your mood?
- Ways to Change your Mood
- Science Behind Leap Year
- Visiting Puppy!
- Spring Door Decorating
- Writing
- Drafting Graphic Novels
- Using thumbnails as a guide
- How to use panels to tell a story
- Cartooning tips
- When to use profile drawings
- Varied facial features
- Body language of characters
- Portraying Villians vs. Heroes
- Reading
- Fantasy Book Clubs
- External vs. Internal Quests
- Tracking Harvey's Quests from The Thief of Always
- Tracking main character's internal quests as a group
- Math
- Completing Feb. Calendar Pattern (multiplying fractions to find area) and Collection (conversions milliliters collection)
- Finding the Fraction of a Whole Number
- Callie's Cake Pops Posters
- Multiplying Fractions, Decimals, and Whole Numbers
- Multiplication Work Sample
- Multiplication Battle Game
- Social Studies
- History of Sugar on STX
- Taking organized notes
- Dividing into subtopics
- Science
- Working on Experiments/Data Collection
- Experiments Should be Completed by MONDAY (Wednesday if your child needs an extension and speaks to be in advance)
- Friday, March 8th - Early Dismissal at 12:30
- SPRING BREAK BEGINS! No School the week of March 11th
- School Resumes on Monday, March 18th
- Report Cards for Trimester 2 will be sent out after Spring Break
Photos From The Week: