English/Language Arts

 Literacy Curriculum 

In Upper Elementary, Word Study will be taught using the Words Their Way approach. This research-based approach to phonics, vocabulary, and spelling instruction is truly child-centered. Teacher instruction is systematic, targeted, and differentiated to fit students’ current needs based on on-going observations and frequent assessments. Words Their Way is designed to teach critical thinking skills and engage and motivate students through tactile exercises, discovery, explicit instruction, and peer partnerships. 

GHCDS utilizes the Reading and Writing Units of Study from the Teachers College of Reading and Writing at Columbia University in New York City.  The units and lessons they produce are research based, and the staff continually works in schools and as a team to revise and improve their work.  Their ideas are foundational to reading and writing instruction across the globe.  

Below is a list of the big ideas that underlie this work and how you can support your child's growth at home:

  • Reading and writing are skills that are developed through use.  Kids need to read and write a lot!

  • Skills of reading and writing need to be explicitly taught, which we do through lessons, strategy groups, and individual conferences.

  • Reading aloud to children is very important.  Teachers and parents can make books rich and exciting.

  • Kids need opportunities to talk about books.  Having a conversation about their books is a big part of comprehension.  This can include discussions about vocabulary words that come up, making connections to the text, summarizing the main ideas, predicting what will happen next, and asking clarifying questions.

  • Books need to be appealing to students and at a level in which they can read fluently and fully comprehend while reading independently.

  • Students are asked to read every night.  Coming up with a routine and making sure reading is a positive experience are important.

  • The process of writing in different genres will be celebrated by sharing our work with others.  Parents will be invited a couple of times this year to participate.

  • Instruction and practice with word study, spelling, correct grammar and mechanics, and/or cursive handwriting will occur each day. 

We will continue to inform you about the units of study as the year progresses.  Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

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